To Have

To have someone you miss the moment they drive away.

To have someone who enhances your life like great wine.

To have someone who makes you believe in dreams.

To have someone who makes you laugh when you’re crabby.

To have someone who nurtures the secret places inside.

To have someone who delivers on promises made.

To have someone who lights the fire in your heart.

To have someone who has your best interests at heart.

To have someone to share the butterflies of wishes.

To have someone love you like he created you

is a truly life changing something.


Life in Snow

Coming and going

all while its snowing.

Blissful or blowing

our footsteps are showing.


Against the cold

our coats we hold

before growing old

we venture to be bold.


Our time on this Earth

is measured by worth:

The footsteps of birth

and to those we give mirth.


Today's prompt was the photograph of a snow-covered city street/sidewalk.

Mother’s Desire

I wish I could’ve learned to love like you,
free from shards of fear imbedded in your heart
floating freely like an angel with wings of silver light.

I wish I could’ve learned to laugh like you,
straight from your belly coming out your eyes
flitting on the air like butterflies mating.

I wish I could’ve learned to walk like you,
head up and back straight,
immeasurable power resonating with each step you take.

I wish I could’ve learned to dance like you,
incorporating any mistakes as unique-to-you movements,
and gliding across the entire floor like you own it.

I wish I could’ve learned to live like you,
casting aside judgements and shame as rubbish
strewn alongside the road.

I wish I could’ve learned to Be like you.
It is every mother’s desire for her daughter
to surpass her.

Well done.


When I exhale-

I exhale an old version of myself.

I release all that you say I

no longer need.

I breathe out the judgement of others

that I wore like a cloak.

I excrete the foul stench

of self-disdain.

I reject the flawed perceptions

assigned me.


When I inhale-

I inhale you.

I take in all you give to me

and cherish it.

I breathe in the acceptance

you surround me with.

I absorb all the delicious aroma

you adorn me in.

I accept my reflection is

beautiful in your eyes.


I Laid Down My Life

I laid down my life for integrity

Denied, my ashes scattered to rest

‘Til another transitioned was strewn

To mix and mingle in the garden.


“What has you this way come?” She whispered.

“For integrity.” I replied.

“It was benevolence that did me in, my sister.

Surely they go hand in hand. Shall we?” She asked.


As kindred spirits we conspired

Amongst the dirt and roots

Until the flowers devoured our essence

And once again we faced the sun.